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Electrical Equipment Listed here are some actual jobs that you may be interested in and can explore by clicking on their names.
Career Categories
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Interior and Exterior Construction
Structural Construction
Energy Production
Electrical Equipment
Equipment Maintenance
Equipment Manufacturing
Equipment Operators
Food Services
Electrical Equipment
Get involved! Working on electric motors, communication systems and power lines are all part of working with electrical equipment. These things are already a part or your lives and now you have the opportunity to work directly with them.
Electric Motor Systems Technician
Also known as: Electrical Rewind Mechanic, Equipment and Appliance Service Trades, Mechanic, Service Technician
Electric motor systems technicians test, rebuild and repair electric motors, generators, transformers, controllers and related electrical and mechanical equipment used in commercial, industrial and institutional establishments.
Communication Technician
Also known as: Cable Splicer, Switcher
Communication technicians install, repair, and maintain telecommunication systems.
Power System Electrician
Also known as: No aliases
Power system electricians install, maintain and repair electrical power generation, transmission and distribution systems and equipment.
Powerline Technician
Also known as: Electrical Power Lineman, Lineman
Powerline technicians construct, maintain and repair overhead and underground electrical power transmission and distribution systems.