Career Categories Below this heading you will see a row of icons and names. This navigation allows you to view all the careers within a single category. When you choose a different category it will become highlighted.
Return to Career Journey By clicking the button you will be taken back to the start of this journey so you may make different choices and discover new career opportunities.
Directly to the left of this help icon you will see this
icon that represents where Machinists work most of the time. If the person in the icon is standing outside the building then the work is mostly outside. A person inside respresents mostly insde work and two people (one inside and one outside) represent the work has a bit of both.
By clicking the buttons to the left will open the page and allow you to read more about becoming a Machinists.
After you have spent some time reading and you would like to find out what schools are offering training for Machinists click the button.
Career Categories
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Interior and Exterior Construction
Structural Construction
Energy Production
Electrical Equipment
Equipment Maintenance
Equipment Manufacturing
Equipment Operators
Food Services


Machinists set up and operate precision metal cutting and grinding machines such as lathes, milling machines, drills, and grinders to make and repair products made from metals, plastics, rubber textiles, fibreglass, and space age alloys.
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