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About the Trades Warriors Network
- About the Network
- Network Partners
- Why does the Network exist?
- How is the Network different from other websites?
- How will the Network Support Aboriginal Learners?
- Mentorship Opportunities
How is the Network different from other websites?
The Trades Warriors Network is an online community for Aboriginal people. Our virtual community takes a holistic and balanced approach to health and well-being, which emphasizes the interrelatedness of the mental, the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual aspects of a person.
The main page is the initial portal through which all community members must pass in order to explore the Trades Warriors Network. From this page, users can enter the network as a guest, where they can browse the site but will not be able to upload or comment on the material. Additionally, users can also register where upon completing an end-user agreement they can create an online identity that is password protected. Upon registering, users will be afforded full access to submissions, discussions, uploads, and other interactive aspects of the site.
From the main page as well, users will be able to access the trades career planning section of the site. In this arena, the user will find profiles of trades careers. In the career planning area, users will find digital stories and messages from Aboriginal professionals who are currently working in the field. Here, the user can hear and see what life would be like if they choose this career option. We believe these stories serve an important role-modelling and mentoring function. In short, by providing users with a visual, career planning map, we believe users can better anticipate and prepare for their future.